The Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise appreciates your interest in this project. Please use the navigation menu to view public hearing videos and display boards. Clicking on the graphic will enlarge the view. The display boards are available for download on the main project website under the Documents section. If you wish to submit comments, please use the comment form below.

This virtual open house video will provide helpful information about the project. It begins by discussing the three participation options for the February 9, 2021 Public Hearing, then provides a project overview and explains how you can get involved.

This virtual open house video will provide helpful information about the project. It begins by discussing the three participation options for the February 9, 2021 Public Hearing, then provides a project overview and explains how you can get involved.

The purpose and need for a project provides the basis for developing, evaluating, and eliminating project alternatives. This project’s purpose and need are to enhance safety, improve accessibility and mobility, enhance emergency evacuation, and address forecasted Year 2045 traffic needs while avoiding or minimizing environmental impacts.

The limits of this project are from US 17 (SR 35) to SR 60. The length of the project is approximately 2.2 miles.

The proposed typical section includes two 12‐foot travel lanes in each direction, 12-foot outside shoulders, a 74-foot median which will accommodate future widening to 6 lanes, 8-foot inside shoulders and open roadside ditches on both sides of the roadway. The proposed limited access right‐of‐way corridor is 310 feet wide. A 12-foot multi‐use recreational trail is proposed within a 26-foot right‐of‐way corridor which parallels Central Polk Parkway along the east side of the roadway.

This graphic is available for download on the main project website (www.centralpolkparkway.com) under the Documents section.

The Aerial Board shows the preferred alignment for the Central Polk Parkway from US 17 (SR 35) to SR 60. The legend in the bottom right-hand corner provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used. A typical section is shown in the lower right-hand corner, which is a detailed cross section depiction for the new roadway. This graphic is available for download on the main project website (www.centralpolkparkway.com) under the Documents section

Portions of the proposed project are within the 100-year floodplain and identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (or FEMA) as being in either of two floodplain zones types, Zone A and Zone AE. The Preferred Alternative will impact 49 acres of floodplains. The project also crosses the FEMA regulatory floodway at Peace Creek, which will be bridged.  Encroachments into the floodplain will be mitigated by providing compensation within the same floodplain. Four floodplain compensation ponds are proposed in the Preferred Alternative. This graphic is available for download on the main project website (www.centralpolkparkway.com) under the Documents section

Travel time within the project study area will be improved with the construction of the first segment of the project. Once completed, the Central Polk Parkway will provide a more direct route from SR 60 to US 17, SR 540, Polk Parkway and Interstate 4. This graphic is available for download on the main project website (www.centralpolkparkway.com) under the Documents section.

The preferred alternative was evaluated to analyze potential effects to the social, cultural, natural, and physical environment in accordance with state and federal regulations. The evaluation matrix shown here summarizes the evaluation results. This graphic is available for download on the main project website (www.centralpolkparkway.com) under the Documents section.

The PD&E Study of the Central Polk Parkway was started by Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise in 2018 and is scheduled for completion in Spring 2021.

Persons wishing to express their concerns about Title VI compliance may do so by contacting either the Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, or the Tallahassee office of the Florida Department of Transportation.

We encourage your questions or comments regarding this project! Please contact one of the individuals shown here, using your preferred method. Comments and questions must be submitted (or postmarked) by March 1, 2021, 20 days after the public hearing, to become part of the Public Hearing Record.