Widen Turnpike Mainline (SR 91)

From North of the L-38 Canal to North of Atlantic Avenue

(MP 80.2-82.4)

FPID: 417132-4

Project Details

The project widens Florida’s Turnpike Mainline (SR 91) from north of the L-38 Canal (MP 80.2) to north of Atlantic Avenue (MP 82.4) in Palm Beach County. The widening will increase the number of lanes from six to ten, with four-general travel lanes and one thru lane in each direction. Thru lanes will be separated from general purpose toll by a buffer delineated with two six-inch solid lines.

The project also includes widening the bridge over Atlantic Avenue, repaving, roadway lighting improvements, signing and pavement marking improvements, and noise walls in qualifying areas. The primary objectives are to increase roadway capacity to meet future traffic demand, improve emergency evacuation times, and enhance safety along the roadway.


  • Final Design for this project resumes is scheduled to resume in Fiscal Year 2026
  • Construction is funded for Fiscal Year 2029


Terry Miller, PE

Project Manager

Consultant to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise

Fiorella Teodista

Communications Outreach Coordinator 

Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise