
Social & Economic analysis covers sociocultural effects to see if a project or project alternatives may disproportionately affect low income, minority or underserved groups of people and assesses the economic impacts and benefits of a transportation improvement.  We also consider the potential for land acquisition and relocations of residents or businesses.  Land Use changes, mobility options, and aesthetic effects are also reviewed as part of this analysis.

Cultural resource studies determine the potential for a project’s impacts on archaeological resources as well as historic sites and historic architecture that may be in the project area.  We also consider the potential for recreational area impacts and improvements in the project area.

Natural studies cover wetlands and surface waters, protected species and habitat, floodplains, and waterways. These studies ensure that we are doing our due diligence in protecting Florida’s natural environment for future generations.

Physical studies cover traffic noise, air quality, and contamination. As Florida continues to grow, and Florida’s Turnpike facilities improve to meet those demands, we study the effects that a project may have on these physical qualities in order to mitigate them as directed by state and federal regulations.

Aerial view Alligator Alley