Coconut Creek Parkway/CR 912 and Florida’s Turnpike (SR 91) in Broward County, Florida

FPID: 452077-2


Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, part of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), is improving the existing interchange at Coconut Creek Parkway and Florida’s Turnpike in Broward County, Florida.

Design is the third phase of the FDOT project development process. Construction plans, specifications, and final estimates to build the project are developed during the design phase.


This project will reconstruct the existing Coconut Creek Parkway interchange at Florida’s Turnpike (SR 91). The improvements will include the following:

  • A new southbound on-ramp from Coconut Creek Parkway to Florida’s Turnpike
  • A new northbound off-ramp from Florida’s Turnpike to Coconut Creek Parkway
  • A new direct connection from Florida’s Turnpike southbound off-ramp to Blount Road
  • A new direct connection from Blount Road to Florida’s Turnpike northbound on-ramp
  • A new roundabout at the intersection of the direct ramp connection at Coconut Creek Parkway and Blount Road.
  • One (1) new tolling site on the southbound off-ramp from Florida’s Turnpike to Coconut Creek Parkway
  • Replacement of existing toll site for southbound on-ramp from Coconut Creek Parkway to Florida’s Turnpike from toll booths to electronic toll collection.
  • Address any related tolling, signing and pavement markings, signals, lighting, communication, drainage facilities, bridge structures and right-of-way acquisition associated with the project.

The improved interchange will:

  • Increase safety
  • Address existing and future traffic needs
  • Improve travel time reliability
  • Enhance access for emergency responders and during hurricane evacuations


Noise Studies are performed in both Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study phase and the Design phase, and re-evaluated if there is a major change in design to the roadway.

Click here to see the Turnpike Traffic Noise video.

Project Background

Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise completed a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study that evaluated interchange alternatives for Coconut Creek Parkway and Florida’s Turnpike mainline. The PD&E study (FPID 442212-1) was completed in 2024 and included an assessment of the widening of Florida’s Turnpike Mainline from south of I-595 to Wiles Road. Coconut Creek Parkway was one of the interchanges included in that PD&E study.

Project Area

Project Area


As part of the PD&E Study finalized in 2024, potential impacts to the environment were evaluated to avoid, minimize and mitigate any impacts and were documented for this study. Based on the recommended design, there are potential impacts to other surface waters and or wetlands. As the design phase continues, these impacts and any new impacts associated with the project, including any to listed species or other wildlife, will be identified and addressed through the permitting process with the appropriate resource agencies. A re-evaluation will be prepared to document design phase environmental findings.

Project Schedule

Coconut Creek Schedule

Stay Connected

Project inquires, comments, innovation/technology ideas, or requests to be added to the project mailing list, can be mailed or emailed to:

Justin Relitz, PE

Project Manager

Consultant to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise

Ms. Yasir Mercado, M.A.

Communications Manager
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise

If you choose to provide feedback on this site or in an email, such information is a public record under Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Laws and available for public inspection upon demand. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, please do not submit your email address here. Instead, contact our office by phone or in writing for further assistance.