
The Florida Department of Transportation, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, welcomes you to the Public Information Meeting for Florida’s Turnpike Mainline Widening from north of Okeechobee Blvd (SR 704) to south of Beeline Hwy (SR 710) in Palm Beach County, Florida.


Title VI

This project is being developed in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Please contact one of the Title VI coordinators shown here to express any concerns regarding Florida Turnpike’s compliance with Title VI.

Adjacent Project Map

This Florida’s Turnpike Widening project is bordered by a project to the south and a project to the north. The project to the south is from Southern Blvd (SR 80) to North of Okeechobee Blvd (SR 704), Financial Project Identification Number 406143-8. The construction of this project is anticipated to begin later this year. The northern project is the FDOT District Four’s Beeline Hwy (SR 710) widening, Financial Project Identification Number 419251-1, that includes widening the Turnpike Mainline and the reconstruction of the bridge over Beeline Hwy (SR 710). This project is currently under construction.

Typical Section

This exhibit displays typical sections for the existing conditions and proposed conditions.

The existing Turnpike Mainline configuration includes four 12-foot travel lanes, 12-foot outside shoulders (with 10 feet paved), and an 8 to 10-foot inside shoulder, with a barrier wall separating the northbound and southbound directions.

The proposed Turnpike Mainline configuration includes eight 12-foot travel lanes, 12-foot outside shoulders, and 12-foot inside shoulders, with barrier wall separation between the northbound and southbound directions. The southbound outside shoulder will also feature a barrier wall.

Plot 1

This exhibit presents the proposed improvements for the project segment at the beginning of the project to just north of Roebuck Rd. The Turnpike improvements shown include the widening of the mainline, noise wall from the beginning of the project to Roebuck Rd, and the reconstruction of the Roebuck Rd bridge over the Turnpike mainline. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Plot 2

This exhibit presents the proposed improvements for the project segment to the north of Roebuck Rd, near the East Central Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The Turnpike improvements shown include the widening of the mainline and a proposed drainage pond adjacent to the mainline. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Plot 3

This exhibit presents the proposed improvements for the project segment from south of the M Canal to just north of 45th The Turnpike improvements shown include the widening of the mainline, the reconstruction of the Turnpike mainline bridge over the M canal, the reconstruction of the 45th St bridge over the Turnpike mainline and the realignment of the road, and the proposed drainage pond adjacent to the Turnpike mainline and 45th St. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Plot 4

This exhibit presents the proposed improvements for the project segment continuing north of 45th St towards the Winding Waters Natural Area. The Turnpike improvements shown include the widening of the mainline and the existing toll site that the mainline widening will tie into. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Plot 5

This exhibit shows the proposed improvements for the project segment extending from the north end of the Winding Waters Natural Area to the end of the project. It illustrates the widening of the mainline. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Project Schedule

The timeline of this Florida’s Turnpike Widening project includes this Public Information Meeting occurring in the 1st Quarter of 2025. Next, the completion of the project’s design is scheduled for the 4th Quarter of 2025. Finally, the construction from North of Okeechobee Blvd (SR 704) to South of Beeline Hwy (SR 710) is estimated to begin in the 2nd quarter of 2026, however, the schedule is subject to change.

Contact Information

Your input is essential to the final design process. You can submit written comments at the project website, WidenTurnpike704to710.com. If you attend in-person, you can complete a printed comment form. You can also email the Project Manager directly or submit your comments by mail to the Project Manager. While written comments and questions are accepted at any time, we ask that you provide comments that you may have in connection with this public information meeting by March 10, 2025.

If you would like to speak with someone regarding this project, please contact the Turnpike representative listed here.