The Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise appreciates your interest in this project. Please use the navigation menu to view display boards. Clicking on the graphic will enlarge the view. The display boards are available for download on the main project website under the Documents section. If you wish to submit comments, please use the comment form below.

Welcome Board

The Florida Department of Transportation, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, welcomes you to the Public Hearing for the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study to Widen Florida’s Turnpike from north of SR 70 to north of SR 60 in St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee, and Osceola Counties.

Public Hearing Video: 423374-2 Widen Florida’s Turnpike/SR 91 PD&E from SR 70 to SR 60


This project is being developed in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Please contact one of the Title VI coordinators shown here to express any concerns regarding Florida Turnpike’s compliance with Title VI.

Aerial Exhibits 1-2

This exhibit presents the proposed improvement for the project segment between mile post 153 (begin study) to 163. The Turnpike widening alternative includes three lanes in each direction to meet future traffic demands.  The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Aerial exhibits 3-4

This exhibit presents the proposed improvement for the project segment between mile post 163 to 172. The Turnpike widening alternative includes three lanes in each direction to meet future traffic demands. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Aerial Exhibits

This exhibit presents the proposed improvement for the project segment between mile post 172 to 183. The Turnpike widening alternative includes three lanes in each direction to meet future traffic demands. The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

Aerial Exhibits

This exhibit presents the proposed improvement for the project segment between mile post 183 to 194 (end study). The Turnpike widening alternative includes three lanes in each direction to meet future traffic demands.  The legend on the exhibit provides a visual explanation of the symbols and lines used.

What is PDE

A PD&E Study determines if there is an engineering and environmentally feasible alternative to meet the future needs determined in the planning phase. This involves the preparation of preliminary engineering and environmental documentation.

Key components of a PD&E Study include an evaluation of existing conditions, identification of future traffic needs, development and evaluation of project alternatives, and public and agency involvement. All findings and recommendations are documented at the end of the study. Subsequent phases include final design and engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. The subsequent phases are currently not funded but will be considered for funding upon the completion of the PD&E Study.

Study Limits Board

This Turnpike PD&E Study is located in Saint Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee and Osceola Counties. The project begins north of the State Road 70 interchange and continues north of the State Road 60 interchange, from mile post 152 to 193. A distance of 41 miles.

Purpose and Board

The need to widen Florida’s Turnpike is based on future travel demand of year 2050, improve travel time reliability, improve safety, and enhance emergency response and evacuation.

Adjacent Studies

This Florida’s Turnpike PD&E Study is part of a large network of widening studies that are currently or have been held. The project to the south is from SR 706 and ends just north of SR 70. This PD&E Study was completed in 2021 and currently has some segments that are in the design phase. The northern project begins north of SR 60 and ends at Clay Whaley Road. This PD&E Study is currently on-going. A PD&E Study by FDOT District 5 along SR 60 from Prairie Lake Road to Florida’s Turnpike will begin in Spring of 2025.

Safety Board

Congestion leads to crashes. Between years 2017 to 2021, there were 1,657 crashes along the Florida’s Turnpike within the study limits resulted in 388 injury crashes and 20 fatalities.

At the Ramp Intersection at SR 60, a total of 58 crashes were reported within the same five-year study period with 26 crashes resulted in injury.

The total economic cost of these crashes is estimated at $310 million dollars between years 2017 to 2021.

Alternative Matrix Board

The evaluation matrix summarizes the effects evaluation results of the Build Alternative in comparison to the No-Build Alternative. The Build Alternative improves future traffic operations and hurricane evacuation by providing an additional lane in each direction.  The total project construction cost is $1.4 billion dollars.

Study Timeline

Following this Public Hearing, public comments will be reviewed in conjunction with social, cultural, environmental, and engineering factors to reach a recommendation on a Preferred Alternative. The Preferred Alternative will be shown at the Public Hearing that is expected to be held in the first quarter of 2025 before the study concludes in the second quarter of 2025. Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Contact Information

If you would like to speak with someone regarding this project, please contact one of the Turnpike representatives listed here.

Comment Card

Your input is essential to the PD&E Study process. You can submit written comments at the project website, TurnpikeSR70toSR60.com. If you attend in-person, you can complete a printed comment form. You can also email the Project Manager directly or submit your comments by mail to the Project Manager. While written comments and questions are accepted at any time, we ask that you provide comments that you may have in connection with this public hearing by March 6, 2025.

Thank You

Thank you for attending tonight’s Public Hearing.