FROM SR 60 to US 17/92

FPID: 451419-2


The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (Enterprise) is conducting an Alternative Corridor Evaluation (ACE) for Central Polk Parkway East from SR 60 to US 17/92. The ACE will evaluate corridor alternatives for a new tolled, limited-access highway from SR 60 to US 17/92.

The proposed highway will provide a direct link to Interstate 4 and SR 429 (Western Beltway) through the future Poinciana Connector (SR 538). It would serve as a high-speed, alternate travel route to US 27, where heavy traffic congestion regularly impacts the communities now and is forecasted to get worse in the future due to population growth and increased travel demand.

Transportation Development Process

The planning phase is the first phase of the FDOT project development process. An Alternative Corridor Evaluation, or ACE, is a planning-level study. The Central Polk Parkway East ACE will:

  • Establish the project’s Purpose and Need
  • Document the general environmental setting for the project
  • Develop corridor alternatives
  • Evaluate potential impacts to engineering and environmental features
  • Identify fatal flaws
  • Solicit community feedback
  • Select a feasible corridor for further evaluation in PD&E study

Project Background

Polk County, Florida has been growing rapidly, and it was the fastest-growing county in the United States in 2023. According to U.S. Census data, over 26,000 people moved to Polk County in 2023, and the County’s population is on track to grow another 52 percent by the year 2050.

Located in the geographic center of Florida and along Central Florida’s I-4 corridor, Polk County is one hour from both Tampa and Orlando, and close to Central Florida attractions, making it a hotspot for growth.

Residential and employment growth has increased the demand on the County’s roadway network, resulting in congested roadways and forecasted heavier congestion in the future. The proposed Central Polk Parkway East project is just one infrastructure improvement project planned to address existing and forecasted transportation capacity deficiencies.

The need for the Central Polk Parkway East project includes:

  • Accommodating Year 2050 transportation demand
  • Improving regional connectivity
  • Enhancing freight mobility and economic competitiveness
  • Enhancing safety and emergency evacuation.

Study Area

The study area is a large swath that begins south on SR 60, west of US 27, and extends approximately 28 miles north to US 17/92. A study area map is provided below.

Study Area Central Polk Parkway


The Alternative Corridor Evaluation will identify existing social, cultural, natural, and physical resources within the study area, and seek to avoid and minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible. The potentially affected environment and related mitigation measures will be further evaluated in the PD&E Study Phase.


The study area is on the Lakes Wales Ridge. Due to its well-drained soils, the Ridge provides valuable federal, and state listed species habitat. The Enterprise understands there will be extensive regulatory agency review associated with the proposed project.


The Enterprise is at the forefront of planning for a safer, more efficient, and technologically advanced transportation system for the future. The Enterprise continually seeks opportunities to integrate emerging transportation technologies that can help reduce congestion, create mobility choices, minimize environmental impacts, and improve safety. The Enterprise also recognizes that connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies hold unprecedented opportunities for enhancing mobility and increasing safety on our roadways.


FDOT Central Polk Parkway East Schedule

Stay Connected

Project inquires, comments, innovation/technology ideas, or requests to be added to the project mailing list, can be mailed or emailed to:

Jazlyn Heywood, P.E.

Project Manager
Consultant to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise

Henry Pinzon, P.E.

Environmental Management Engineer for Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise

If you choose to provide feedback on this site or in an email, such information is a public record under Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Laws and available for public inspection upon demand. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.

If you need special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or require translation services (free of charge), please contact the Project Manager using the contact information listed on this page. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1 (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 955-8770 (voice).

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