
The acquisition program is responsible for buying the property that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) needs to build and improve Florida’s transportation infrastructure. Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) buys property through voluntary transactions or by invoking “eminent domain” powers granted by law. In Florida, this requires that “full compensation” be paid to every affected property owner. We assign right of way agents to every property owner to help settle fair terms for purchase and to provide the best possible advice and explanation. Usually, we are able to reach fair settlement terms without taking legal action. At all times we strive to treat affected property owners with respect and careful consideration.

Submit General Questions To:

Shannon Minchew

Deputy Right of Way Manager – Production

Acquisition FAQs:

Once the design of the project is mature and funding is in place, FDOT may start acquiring property.

FDOT will write to you to let you know.

If it is a voluntary acquisition project, FDOT will contact you to ask you if you would be interested in selling your property for a reasonable price. The agent will ask you if you’d be willing to have your property appraised. With your consent, independent valuation of your property will be followed by a negotiating period where neither side is compelled to buy/sell the property.

If it is an eminent domain project, your property will be valued by an independent appraisal expert hired by FDOT. You will be offered at least the amount of the appraised value. Then you will have an opportunity to negotiate with a right of way agent. If you need your own appraisal report, FDOT will pay a reasonable fee to your appraiser. If negotiations don’t result in settlement, FDOT may file an eminent domain suit to acquire title. You will be protected by Florida Statutes that require the payment of “full compensation”, even if a jury trial is required to determine the appropriate amount.