Valuation Services
Appraisals prepared for FDOT must conform to the national Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the FDOT Supplemental Appraisal Standards. Once an appraisal report has gone through the review process and is accepted by FDOT, an FDOT employee will recommended what compensation should be paid for the purchase.
Florida’s Turnpike appraisal personnel and consultants also estimate the cost associated with purchasing properties for proposed transportation projects and prepare written cost estimates. The function of the cost estimates is to aid the decision-making process to ensure the cost-effective design of projects, forecast budgetary needs, and aid in cash-flow management.
Valuation Program Administrator
Valuation Services FAQs:
FDOT has a policy of not making it necessary for a property owner to pursue legal proceedings. FDOT makes every effort to acquire rights in real property by negotiation. If you believe that you need assistance in negotiations, or if you wish a second appraisal or legal opinion, FDOT will reimburse you for reasonable fees for an attorney of your choice and an appraisal prepared by a State of Florida certified real estate appraiser.
FDOT has policies to encourage and expedite the acquisition of real property by agreement with owners, to avoid litigation, to assure consistent treatment for owners and promote confidence in the FDOT’s land acquisition program. FDOT typically retains independent real estate appraisers who must make an in-depth appraisal and analysis of your property and determine the effects of the taking and construction on your remainder property. FDOT will make an offer that is not less than the amount of the approved appraisal and will provide you with a written statement of and summary of the basis for the offer. The statement will include an allocation of value for the part taken and report the amount of damages if applicable.
If FDOT determines that the remainder property has little or no value or utility to you, FDOT may make an additional offer to acquire the remainder property.