If you need assistance reading or downloading any documents please contact: TPKWebManager@dot.state.fl.us
Turnpike Roadway Design Tools
- Turnpike Roadway Design Best Practices Checklist (posted 01/03/2024)
- Turnpike KMZ Standards (posted 10/28/2020)
- Typical Section Package Checklist (posted 04/07/2023)
- Typical Section Package Guidance (posted 04/07/2023)
- Maintenance Access Detail (PDF) (CAD) (posted 05/05/2023)
- Maintenance Access Detail – Constrained (PDF) (CAD) (posted 05/05/2023)
- Flexible Pavement Design Checklist (posted 09/25/2024)
- Milling & Resurfacing Recommendation Sketches (posted 07/08/2024)
- Turnpike Roadway Submittals Guidance (posted 07/24/2024)
Turnpike Maintenance of Traffic Design Tools
- Turnpike Maintenance of Traffic Guidance (posted 12/06/2023)
- Temporary Traffic Control Plans General Plan Notes (PDF) (CAD) (posted 12/06/2023)
- Detour Tolls Analysis Memo Template (posted 10/30/2023)
- Detour Tolls Analysis Memo Guidance (posted 10/30/2023)