Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (Enterprise), part of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), is conducting a Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study for widening Florida’s Turnpike/State Road (SR) 91, in Orange County, Florida. The study limits extend along Florida’s Turnpike from south of SR 408 to SR 50 (Milepost 263-273), and along SR 408 from the Turnpike interchange to east of the Old Winter Garden Road overpass. As part of the study, all interchanges within the project limits will be evaluated. The purpose of the PD&E Study is to develop and evaluate project alternatives that would:
- Enhance safety
- Accommodate travel demands
- Improve travel time reliability
- Improve system linkage
- Enhance and maintain Central Florida’s economic and employment viability, and
- Enhance and maintain emergency response and evacuation

The PD&E study is the second phase of the FDOT project development process. Each PD&E study requires the combined efforts of professional engineers, planners and scientists, to collect data, develop and evaluate alternatives, conduct studies, prepare reports and gather input from the general public, applicable agencies, and interested parties. The goal of the PD&E process is to develop the best solution which meets the transportation needs and offers the greatest benefit with the least impact. Click here to see the PD&E Process video.
Noise Studies are performed in the PD&E phase and the Design phase, and re-evaluated if there is a major change in design to the roadway. Click here to see the Turnpike Traffic Noise video.
The proposed improvements include widening the Turnpike mainline, and improving the existing interchanges (SR 408, SR 429, SR 50 (Ocoee/Winter Garden), and SR 50 (Clermont/Oakland)). Between SR 408 and SR 429, there would be additional “collector-distributor” (C-D) lanes next to and separated from the mainline lanes to exclusively accommodate local traffic between the interchanges.
New access (interchange) locations were evaluated during the study. During the Alternatives Public Open House, three interchange options were presented for Avalon Road. After considering public input, the No-Build Alternative was selected as the Preferred Alternative.
Study Background
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise has identified the need to widen (add capacity to) this portion of the Turnpike to accommodate forecasted traffic volumes of freight and passenger vehicles generated by anticipated growth in Orange County and adjacent counties, and to improve emergency evacuation times for the year 2045.
The project improvements will:
- increase the capacity of the Turnpike to accommodate future traffic volumes
- improve emergency evacuation times
- address planning consistency with MetroPlan Orlando
The No-Build (No Action) alternative will also be analyzed and compared against the Build alternatives during the PD&E Study.
Study Area
The study limits are along the Florida’s Turnpike/State Road (SR) 91 from south of SR 408 to SR 50 (Milepost 263 to Milepost 273) in Orange County, Florida. The project limits also extend on SR 408 from the Turnpike interchange to east of the Old Winter Garden Road overpass. The total project length is approximately 10 miles.
The natural environment is a critical foundation of the region’s economy and quality of life. The study area is located in a highly developed region of Orange County surrounded by residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. No significant impacts are anticipated to high-quality natural areas, public parks, or preserves.
The project’s potential effect on social, cultural, natural, and physical resources will be identified, along with potential mitigation measures. A State Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) is the expected level of environmental documentation for this project.
The Enterprise is at the forefront of planning for a safer, more efficient, and technologically advanced transportation system for the future. The Enterprise continually seeks opportunities to integrate emerging transportation technologies that can help reduce congestion, create mobility choices, minimize environmental impacts and improve safety. The Enterprise also recognizes that connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies hold unprecedented opportunities for enhancing mobility and increasing safety on our roadways.
If you have an idea for a technology or innovation that you would like to be considered as part of this study, please reach out to one of the contacts in the Stay Connected section below.

Schedule is subject to change.
- Title VI
- Project Location Map
- Project Development Process
- Existing Typical Sections
- Project Needs
- 2045 AM Traffic Comparison
- 2045 PM Traffic Comparison
- Existing Crashes
- Other Projects within Study Vicinity
- Proposed Typical Sections
- Effects Evaluation
- Photo Simulations
- SR 408 to SR 429 System
- Preferred Alternative 1 of 4
- Preferred Alternative 2 of 4
- Preferred Alternative 3 of 4
- Preferred Alternative 4 of 4
- Evaluation Matrix
- Right-of-way Acquisition
- Schedule
Meeting Date: August 2021
- Project Location Map
- PD&E Process
- Project Needs
- Existing Typical Sections
- Proposed Typical Sections
- Other Projects within Study Vicinity
- Existing Crash Data
- Existing Traffic Congestion
- Overall Project Summary 1 of 4
- Overall Project Summary 2 of 4
- Overall Project Summary 3 of 4
- Overall Project Summary 4 of 4
- SR 50 Clermont
- Avalon Road Interchange
- SR 429 Interchange
- SR 408 Interchange
- SR 50 Connector
- SR 408 to SR 429 System
- Effects Evaluation
- Contact Information
- Schedule
- Title VI
Meeting Date: March 2020
- Welcome
- PD&E Process
- Project Location
- Existing Typical Sections
- Other Projects within Vicinity
- Project Needs
- Effects Evaluation
- Study Schedule
- Contact
- Thank you
- Title VI
- Aerial Board Layout Key Map
- 200 Scale Aerial 1 of 4
- 200 Scale Aerial 2 of 4
- 200 Scale Aerial 3 of 4
- 200 Scale Aerial 4 of 4
- 300 Scale Aerial – SR 408 to SR 429
- 800 Scale Aerial – Full Project Overview
- Traffic Board 1
- Traffic Board 2
Stay Connected
Project inquires, comments, innovation/technology ideas, or requests to be added to the project mailing list, can be mailed or emailed to:
Michael Leo, P.E.
Project Manager
Consultant to Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
Henry Pinzon, P.E.
Fiorella Teodista
Communications Outreach Coordinator
Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
If you choose to provide feedback on this site or in an email, such information is a public record under Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Laws and available for public inspection upon demand. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.
If you need special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or require translation services (free of charge), please contact the Project Manager using the contact information listed on this page. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1 (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 955-8770 (voice).
Comment Form